Jason Mayes (MEng, CIPT, MBCS) Web ML Lead, Google.

Jason is the public face of Web ML and TensorFlow.js at Google, helping web engineers around the world take their first steps with machine learning in JavaScript. Jason is the author of the 1st Web ML course on Google Developers and EdX, that has enabled over 20,000 students to start their journey with Machine Learning in the browser. He also combines his knowledge of the technical and creative worlds to develop innovative prototypes for Google's largest customers and internal teams with over 15 years experience working within web engineering and investigating emerging technologies. Jason also hosts the popular Made with TensorFlow.js show on the TensorFlow YouTube channel giving a voice to Web ML developers across industries globally.

He holds an MEng in Computer Science, is a member of the British Computing Society, and is a certified information privacy technologist. Jason loves sharing knowledge online which has attracted a global following.

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/hkfpPkk